Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Shark fin soup locations in Florida

So on a rainy day with not a lot of other activity going on I spent a little time surfing the web. I was on the Shark Free Florida website and found something interesting. Twenty- four known restaurants in the state of Florida that sell shark fin related products.Here is a map of the locations with their name and address.  I wonder how many more are right here in our backyards that have not yet made it to the list. If you have a chance check out their website. We at Blue Iguana Charters are always in support of any organization that is looking out for the greater good of all marine creatures.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Deceptive labels for shark dishes

The complete extinction of sharks is imminent. For more than 400 million years they have dominated the oceans. People exterminate them in a few decades. And as history shows: what once is extinct does not come back again.

The fishing industry is mercilessly hunting the sharks and offers them as shark steak, shark filet or shark fin soup. But shark dishes are rarely offered under their real names but usually under different "trivialized" descriptions. The reason for that is simple: the customer shall not notice what it is in reality.

The fishing industry is very imaginative and labels shark dishes with complete new descriptions. Therefore hands off from the following dishes and products in restaurants, snack stalls and supermarkets because it has shark inside:


English Names:
- Flake
- Huss
- Catfish
- Dogfish
- Grayfish
- Steakfish
- Whitefish
- Lemon Fish
- Cape Steak
- Rock Salmon
- Smoked Rock Salmon
- Smoked Dogfish
- Rigg
- Gummy
- Sea Ham
- Sokomoro
- Tofu Shark
- Ocean Fillet
- Imitation Crab Meat (Surimi)
- Component of Fish & Chips

Spanish Names / Nombre Español:
- Gallina del Mar
- Alo Rosado
- Lobito
- Cazón
- Tintorera
- Caella

Greek Names:
- Galeos


French Names / Noms Français:
- Chiens
- Petite
- Roussette
- Rande Roussette
- Saumonette
- Taupe
- Veau de Mer

Italian Names / Nomi Italiani:
- Palombo
- Smeriglio
- Gattucci
- Spinaroli
- Cani Spellati

German Names / Deutsche Namen:
- Seeaal / Meeraal
- Schillerlocken
- Kalbsfisch
- Speckfisch
- Dornfisch
- Karbonadenfisch
- Königsaal / Steinaal
- Steinlachs
- Seestör / Wildstör / Forellenstör
- Tofuhai
- Sokomoro
- Ozean Filet / Meeres Filet
- Falsche Jakobsmuscheln
- Falsches Krabbenfleisch (Surimi)
- Bestandteil von Fish & Chips

Only by a complete renunciation of all shark products the world's remaining shark population can be rescued. This means: if fewer sharks are consumed, less sharks get hunted because demand determines

supply. But as long as shark products are consumed the fishery does not stop hunting them. Thus, any consumer of shark dishes is directly complicit in the extinction of sharks. It is time for action!

Don't look away - do something!