Friday, August 20, 2010

Key Largo Darwin Award of the day

I was sitting on the bridge yesterday watching SPORT divers doing the bobbing for apples game, when I heard the strangest radio call. A boat was calling the coast guard for help. He was hysterical because he was being harassed by scuba divers. Naturally I had to turn up the radio and hear this s**t. It turns out he was on one of the mooring balls on the wreck of the Benwood trying to fish. The problem was there where scuba divers all under him and he thought they were going to attack him. Now anyone who knows the Key Largo area diving knows that on a nice day there can be as many as 50 to 60 divers on this wreck at a time. Now if you tie up to one of the forward balls on the wreck the way the wind was blowing yesterday your boat would sit right on top of the ship. Hmmmmm now if you are sitting on top of this wreck trying to fish and there are any divers on it they are going to be right under you ….lol so maybe it could look like they are attacking you, or as Capt Evan would say…”Have you ever thought about taking up golf?”

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