The Right Tools at the Right Time
SCUBA is actually an acronym for Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. It is important to know the facts about scuba diving because this a sport which relies heavily on science and technology to ensure the safety of its participants.
The first fact one needs to know about scuba diving is that to scuba dive, one needs to have high pressure metal tanks that are attached to the back of the diver. A breathing device regulates air flow and permits the diver to stay underwater for extended periods of time. Other important tools for the safety of the diver include: wetsuits, fins, gloves, masks, hood, buoyancy control and computer watches. Learning the facts about scuba diving includes knowing the specifics of these devices.
Knowing the Facts about Scuba Diving Can Save Your Life
More than one million people become scuba diving certified each year worldwide. Once a diver puts on the heavy tank of compressed air a the small rubber tube is the standard way a diver stays alive. (One can have optionally have pony air bottles and such as backups along with possibly sharing with a buddy in an emergency.) Thus, knowing the facts about scuba diving and how the appartus functions can mean life or death to these million of people.
Not all dives are created equally. Scuba divers need to understand the facts about scuba diving when deciding on the types of dives they will do. Some dive in warm water or some the more hardcore cold waters. Also, the facts about scuba diving are useful when deciding if shipwreck explorations are feasible given the diver’s skill level.
Facts About Scuba Diving Certification
In some instances, there is not a need to obtain prior certification in order to go scuba diving. This is especially true in the resort dives found in the Caribbean and the Bahamas. Such places often offer one day crash courses in diving that do not result in certification. Those who have more interest in diving and need certification should understand the physical and mental aspects about scuba diving before proceeding further.
Swimming ability, breathing capability and equalizing tendencies are all factors. Confidence in your swimming ability is extremely important. However, your overall fitness is surely a factor as well. The fact is that scuba diving is a serious sport which requires a high level of fitness. Scuba diving is often tiring so if you are significantly overweight or have diabetes, known heart conditions or any other endurance related limitations you should always consult a doctor before going scuba diving.
Facts About Scuba Diving Preparation: Breathe Easy
Since scuba diving has one breathe through the mouth instead of the nose, one needs to practiced this before their first deepsea dive. You must know the facts about scuba diving in regards to equalizing the pressure within the ears as one dives deeper down into the water. Simply by knowing the proper way to pop your ears, release pressure, and breath correctly, you will be in control of your dive. A certified scuba instrucor can safely teach you the proper methods as well as any other facts about scuba diving you will need to know.
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