Friday, February 12, 2010

New Site to Dive with Great Whites

=============================================================== -- Press Release Distribution 2/15/2010


Peter Scott, CEO Shark Diver NZ

Shark Diver New Zealand Announces New Great White Shark Location – “Open For Conservation”

Otago, New Zealand. – Shark Diver NZ CEO Peter Scott unveiled the world’s newest white shark aggregation site to the world today. “After a few years of careful planning and work with resident researchers we are ready to open this site to interested divers, photographers, and the general public,” said Scott.
“In a co-operative conservation venture with New Zealand’s White Shark Conservation Trust we will move forward to promote and support research with these magnificent animals helping New Zealanders understand the critical role they play in the environment of the South Island.”

A limited number of divers will be introduced to the site called “Oceania” in 2010 (January through May), in order to maintain the location's pristine, untamed nature, as well as for the benefit of the resident white sharks.

“We will also be working with two production companies this season to highlight New Zealand’s white sharks and the ground breaking research surrounding them, we have just begun to realize these animals are on terrific migrations to and from Oceania. Tourism supported research will help us understand these seasonal population fluctuations better," says Scott.
Modeled after the successful marriage of white shark research support at Isla Guadalupe, Mexico with commercial shark diving operators and CICIMAR, Scott hopes to build a New Zealand version of eco tourism with sharks that meets and exceeds the highest standards of the global $300 million dollar industry, “we call it Safe and Sane Shark Tourism (tm) and we want to make this a completely New Zealand phenomenon.”
”The knock on effects of shark tourism, done right, are great for local economies and help dispel myths about ferocious man eaters.”

About Shark Diver New Zealand

As a long time mariner CEO Peter Scott has come to love the oceans and New Zealand’s environment. His dedication to the white sharks of New Zealand is evident in his desire to foster research and conservation in the waters in and around Stuart Island and beyond. In 2009 Peter traveled to Isla Guadalupe, Mexico to cage dive commercially with operations there. He met and interviewed resident shark researchers and came to understand how professional commercial shark diving, done right, could benefit local and regional shark populations and how tourism generated funds drove local research efforts, a win-win.
Peter is working with CEO Patric Douglas of Shark Diver in the USA, co- branding the name Shark Diver NZ and working to develop a New Zealand shark site that maintains a high adherence to shark diving protocols and respect for the animals. Shark Diver USA has a 10 year track record for shark industry leadership and conservation initiatives like the Shark Free Marinas.
As a film, television and tourism spin-off of the commercial shark diving company Shark Diver, Shark Divers provides access to unique shark sites worldwide in a cost-effective environment with an eye towards shark production values that go light years beyond "the man on the sand with the bait crate." Shark Divers' experienced crews not only know sharks, but also have extensive experience in film, television, current research and current trends in shark productions. Shark Divers' crews are a unique group of shark researchers and underwater-film experts who can show your production company shark sites and storylines that capture the public’s imagination.

For more information, visit the Shark Divers website at or contact Patric Douglas at
Shark Divers NZ| “Changing the way the public sees white sharks…forever”

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